Filme de Crăciun Wiki
A nu se confunda cu Un Crăciun de neuitat, film din 1989
Undercover Christmas

Un Crăciun de neuitat (Undercover Christmas) - film TV de Crăciun din 2003 regizat de Nadia Tass cu Jami Gertz, Shawn Christian, Tyne Daly; scenariul: Darrah Cloud.


Brandi O’Neill, o chelnerita impertinenta din Chicago, spera sa-si petreaca Craciunul in casa lui Scott Shift, mostenitorul unei averi considerabile pe care-l considera iubitul ei. Asteptarile ei sunt spulberate cand Scott ii spune ca ea nu i-ar placea mamei lui, asa ca n-o va duce acasa de Craciun. Ca sa se razbune, Brandy il acosteaza pe agentul FBI, James Cunningham, si-i spune ca are informatii pretioase despre Corporatia Shift. Ca urmare, tatal si fratele lui Scott sunt pusi sub urmarire si Brandy este martorul principal in procesul impotriva lor. Lui James ii revine sarcina de a o pazi pe Brandy si acesta, ne-avand de ales, o ia sa-si petreaca Craciunul impreuna cu familia lui. (Cinemagia)

Jake Cunningham (Shawn Christian) is an uptight FBI agent assigned to protect Brandi O'Neill (Jami Gertz), a lower-class cocktail waitress who recently helped with the tax fraud investigation of her billionaire boyfriend. When Jake's wealthy parents (Tyne Daly and Winston Rekert) unexpectedly call him home for the holidays, Jake must bring Brandi with him in order to keep her safe prior to the trial. They pose as a couple in order to keep the proceedings a secret until the court date. The Cunninghams disapprove of the match but begin to accept Jake's "girlfriend" just as Jake and Brandi are truly becoming a couple. Brandi testifies against her former boyfriend. The movie ends as Brandi introduces Jake, her new love, to her mother. (Wikipedia)


  • Jami Gertz - Brandi O'Neil
  • Shawn Christian - Jake Cunningham
  • Tyne Daly - Anne Cunningham
  • Winston Rekert - Joe Cunningham
  • Anne Hawthorne - Stefanie Cunningham
  • Cameron Bancroft - Scott Shift
  • Alexandra Harvey - Ashley Cunningham

Legături externe[]
